Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Prince of Earth

The Prince of Earth
by Mike Robinson

The author gives you a page turn that keeps you hooked from the beginning with a complex story that holds your attention. As your mind spins you are pushed to turn the page to see what the author has in store for you next. I have not read anything by this author and was pleased at how well he pulled me with a well written story of one woman and her family over many years as their lives go on from day to day and things start changing. At first, I thought it is due to stress but it isn’t long before we find it is so much more. It is fast pace with lots of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next shoe to drop. It is so complex I found I had to go back and read things again a few times. This isn’t a book you want to start if you have other issues going on, it is a book you need to give your full attention to or you will become very confused.

I liked the suspenseful mystery, the thrills and the chills. It really is one heck of a ride that you must pick up when you have time to really give the book the time it needs. The characters are good but very complex. Quincy is so different from how she was twenty years ago when she was care free, now she is a wife and mother working a very stressful job. At first, I thought her job is the reason things are getting weird, she has panic attacks, weird dreams and the list goes on. As you travel down the road she is on you have to wonder what in the heck is going on. I had to wonder right along with her are the dreams real, is she even real, where are the people she has come to love and who is the Prince of Earth? So many questions and just a wild ride that holds you in its hand at times leaving you with your mouth open and other times your mind just goes wild and crazy.

It was an enjoyable ride with some wild interesting writing. It is one that I will read again, I feel like I am still missing some important parts. Is it worth your time yes but only if you have time to give it your full mind.

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In 1988, young American traveler Quincy Redding is trekking across the misty terrain of the Scottish Highlands. She is destined for the infamous peak Ben MacDui, the summit of which soon finds her inexplicably debilitated and at the mercy of a malevolent entity.

The book spans twenty years, alternately following Quincy in her 1988 ordeal in Scotland as well as Quincy in 2008, when, as an adult, she begins experiencing abnormalities that threaten her family and her life – phenomena that may be related to what happened all those years ago.

As both older and younger Quincy learn more of their situation, and as their worlds further entwine, she becomes increasingly uncertain of the perceived temporality or reality of each period.

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